Mams on the Move

Mams on the Move aims to tackle inactivity in postnatal women living in the economically disadvantaged areas of the South East of Northumberland.  Becoming a mam comes with many challenges and Active Northumberland aims to support women in the community by breaking down any barriers they may face.  Including social isolation, financial pressures and other factors which can cause a negative impact on women’s physical and emotional health and prevent women from taking part in physical activity.

Mams on the Move offers friendly, low cost fitness classes which allow new mams to exercise with their babies alleviating the pressures of childcare.  Classes include buggy walks, Mams with Prams, baby tone and mamas core stability™.   Active Northumberland also offer social opportunities, as well as activity classes, to promote conversation amongst ladies, again supporting each other through the ups and downs of becoming a mam.

Another aspect of the project is to upskill a team of health professionals including midwives and health visitors on the physical activity guidelines pre and postnatally, so all organisations are giving clear, consistent messages to women in our community and supporting women to be more active.

For more information on Mams on the Move, contact Jemma Burt via email


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